Angelica Entertainment 
A production company that educates, advocates and encourages through media for social justice
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Media Consultant

Need support to make your project stand out?


Scriptwriting Services

Services provided to allow you create your submission ready script.


Draft Review

You've just completed several drafts of a TV or Film script and you need someone, anyone to just look at it to see if you got something, anything!

Your manuscript will be sent back to you with track changes on, highlighting suggestions, questions, and moments that are working. You will also receive a developmental edit notes in the categories of Character, World, Plot, Dialogue, and Writing Style.

2-3 week turn around


Final Recap

You've passed your script around several times and have received notes and feedback. Now you really just need someone to weed through the feedback and answer some specific questions.

A 20-40 minute (depending on script length) meeting to review the notes with you to ask questions, and bounce ideas around.

1 week turn around


Submission Ready

Your script is finally done! Now you need a second pair of eyes to dot and cross... someone to proofread your final draft.

2 week turn around

Current Project

A.M.E. Zion Ohio Conference Christian Education Presentation